How the Bluetooth module works
How the Bluetooth module works

How the Bluetooth module works

1. The working principle of the Bluetooth module

Bluetooth devices use radio waves to connect mobile phones and computers. A Bluetooth product consists of a small Bluetooth module as well as a Bluetooth radio and software to support the connection. When two Bluetooth devices want to communicate with each other, they need to be paired. Communication between Bluetooth devices takes place over short-range, ad hoc networks known as piconets, which refer to a network of devices connected using Bluetooth technology. Such a network can accommodate two to eight devices connected. When the network environment is successfully created, one device acts as the master device, and all other devices act as slave devices. Yingtang Zhongchuang dynamically and automatically establishes when Bluetooth devices join and leave radio short-range sensing.


2. The transmission method of the Bluetooth module

With the continuous development of Bluetooth technology in recent years, the transmission rate of Bluetooth has also been continuously improved under the condition of continuous reduction of power consumption, making the application range of Bluetooth wider. However, if you want to design a complete Bluetooth system, you must fully master the relevant technical knowledge of Bluetooth, such as: RF design, protocol stack, system integration and Bluetooth module selection and other aspects of expertise.

The Bluetooth module can transmit data through serial ports (SPI, IIC) and MCU control devices. The Bluetooth module can be used as a master and a slave. The host is able to search for other Bluetooth modules and actively establish a connection, while the slave cannot actively establish a connection and can only wait for others to connect to it.

3. Influencing factors of Bluetooth module

In recent years, with the introduction of wireless communication technology into people’s lives and the increasing popularity of consumer electronic products, various wireless communication technologies have played an increasingly important role and played an increasingly important role, and the market for wireless products has also been further improved. . As an indispensable key component in wireless products, the antenna has also been further improved. In Bluetooth products, the relationship between the antenna and the Bluetooth module is complementary. In addition to the system chip as the core, the antenna is another key component that affects the transmission characteristics of the Bluetooth module.


4. How to choose a Bluetooth module according to your needs

At present, Bluetooth technology has penetrated into various fields, and product applications include smart door locks, wristbands, tire pressure, electronic cigarettes, industrial automation control and almost any device imaginable. But for customers, what suits their product is the best, and it is wise to choose according to their needs.

First, the Bluetooth module is responsible for converting the data received from the serial port into the Bluetooth protocol and sending it to the other party’s Bluetooth device, and converting the Bluetooth data packet received from the other party’s Bluetooth device into serial port data and sending it to the device.

Second, select Bluetooth modules with different functions according to the characteristics of the transmission. If it is used to transmit data, point-to-point transparent transmission modules and point-to-multipoint modules can be selected.

Again, choose according to the packaging form. There are three types of Bluetooth modules: in-line type, surface mount type and serial port adapter. The straight-in type has pin pins, which is convenient for pre-soldering and small batch production. The module has two installation methods: built-in and external. In addition, there is an external serial Bluetooth adapter. When it is inconvenient for customers to build Bluetooth into the device, they can directly plug the adapter into the serial port of the device, and it can be used after power on.

5. The application value of the Bluetooth module

The low power consumption of Bluetooth allows Bluetooth to show its unique value in many new fields, from consumer electronics to medical electronics, from smart home to industrial applications, Bluetooth low power consumption is playing an important role in the IoT market. This feature is also the best choice for sensors, and IoT and cloud connectivity will naturally arise, enabling Bluetooth devices to connect to anything and connect to the Internet (read or download information from the cloud).

Bluetooth 4.0 was released in 2010, and Bluetooth’s low-power technology instantly became an obvious advantage. In 2016, Bluetooth 5 was released. Compared with the previous version, it not only increased the transmission distance by more than 4 times, but also doubled the transmission speed, which means that the transmission between devices can save half the time (including uploading). and download), that is, we often say that it has the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort.



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