Using MQTT – Common Questions and Issues
Using MQTT – Common Questions and Issues

Using MQTT – Common Questions and Issues

MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) is a popular messaging protocol for IoT applications. While simple and lightweight, there are some common questions and issues that arise when using MQTT.

Topic Naming: What is the best practice for naming MQTT topics? Short, unique and descriptive topic names using slashes as separators are recommended. Avoid spaces and special characters.

Authorization: MQTT brokers typically support authentication and authorization of clients through username/password. Make sure to secure your broker to restrict access.

Message Queueing: MQTT brokers will queue messages for offline subscribers. Check your broker settings to control queue limits and behaviour.

Redundancy: For critical applications, consider deploying redundant MQTT brokers and clients to ensure high availability.

Device Identification: Assign unique client IDs to devices to avoid conflicts when they reconnect. Brokers will typically reject duplicate client IDs.

Flooding: Monitor your MQTT traffic to detect and mitigate potential message flooding from malicious clients. Brokers have settings to limit message throughput per client.

Testing: consider using MQTT testing and simulation tools to validate your configuration before deploying to production. This can catch common issues early.

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